
My first meeting with a client is to take the brief and discuss ideas based on their requirements and then to carry out an accurate site survey. I will then follow this up with the ‘existing’ plans at scale 1:50. from which I will then use to create sketch overlays of alternative ‘proposed’ lay outs for the client to select from. Once approved and if permissions are required, I then contact Building Control and in some instances the Planning Department, to discuss the preliminary ideas prior to plan submission. This way, if there are any concerns, they can be addressed before any final detailed drawings are produced. If there are any structural implications with the scheme I will then brief a Structural Engineer to produce the necessary calculations and structural detailed drawings for the job. At this stage and still liaising closely with the client, I would commence the selection of ideas for all the materials required for the building work including, finishes, light fittings, sanitary ware etc. Once everything was agreed upon and approved, I would then produce all the detailed drawings at either scale 1:20 or 1:10 for the contractor to quote and then build from.

The next part of the process is to propose ideas for the furniture and furnishings etc. and get these organised while the building work is being carried out. I have a wide knowledge of products on the market, and if the ideal object is not available I will design it especially for the project and organise its manufacture.

I charge a fee for the work I do based on an hourly rate, and pass on all my trade discounts to the client.